MICROorganism-PLANT Interactions in the Forefield of Glaciers: a Hotspot for Studying the Impact of Climate Change in ALPine Habitats (MICROPLANTALP) - The project, supported by the Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN) - Announcement 2020 - granted by the Italian Ministry for University and Research, is coordinated by Prof. Pietro Buzzini, University of Perugia.
The ecological processes driving the network between microbial populations and plants colonizing the soils forefield of Alpine glaciers can be elucidated only by an integrated multidisciplinary approach considering both microorganisms and plants simultaneously to predict the future evolution of their taxonomic structure and metabolic activities due to climate change.
Considering a forefield of Alpine glaciers, the impact of the ongoing climate change on the structure and metabolic activities of the microbial communities, plants species and their reciprocal interactions will be estimated by the use of both in-situ (soil monoliths transplantation from higher to a lower altitude) and ex-situ (soil monoliths transplantation to Ecotron experimental platforms) controlled environmental conditions.
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